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Inception of Chinese Investment Joint Committee

Writer's picture: Leo WangLeo Wang
Chinese Investment Joint Committee 1st Meeting

On the afternoon of June 16, 2016, the inaugural ceremony of the China Angel Investor Joint Conference and the first general assembly was held in Beijing. Chen Ziqiang, director of the private sector department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Hong Lei, secretary of the party committee and president of the Securities Investment Fund Association, and Bob Xu, chairman of the Angel Investment Committee of the Association, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The meeting was chaired by the association’s secretary-general Jia Hongbo, with keynote speeches by notable member representative Kai-Fu Lee. Thirty-seven renowned Chinese angel investors, including Cai Wensheng, Lu Gang, and Yang Ning, attended the meeting.

The China Angel Investor Joint Conference was initiated by the Securities Investment Fund Association and is guided by its Angel Investment Committee. The conference has 46 founding members with Ni Zhengdong serving as the first secretary-general and Jia Hongbo appointed as the honorary secretary-general. The conference aims to build a platform for communication, collaboration, and guidance among China’s leading angel investors, enhancing information exchange, project financing matchmaking, and policy coordination to drive the development of angel investing in China.

At the establishment meeting, Chen Ziqiang from the Securities Regulatory Commission expressed support for angel investing to boost innovation and entrepreneurship, highlighting the Joint Conference’s role in building public exchange platforms, guiding rational industry investment, addressing industry demands, and expanding the angel investor base. He also encouraged the Fund Association to provide quality services to members, making the Joint Conference a home for Chinese angel investing and a shining business card for the sector.

President Hong Lei discussed measures for angel investment protection, funding sources, tax incentives, and fintech regulation, aiming to address the industry’s challenges in collaboration with the conference.

Bob Xu emphasized that the Joint Conference could be highly effective in guiding the industry’s development and facilitating direct communication between the angel investment community, government, and top regulatory bodies, which is of great significance for the sustained and ongoing development of the sector.

Kai-Fu Lee compared innovation and entrepreneurship models and environments between the U.S. and China, noting China’s innovative capabilities and the promising opportunities for angel investment in the intelligent technology sector. He suggested that each professional angel investor should contribute their resources and expertise to help innovative startups grow, reach their potential, and demonstrate China’s capacity for innovation to the world.

The atmosphere at the meeting was enthusiastic, with active participation from members who discussed the Joint Conference’s working rules, operational mechanisms, and work plans. Some members shared their investment experiences and views on innovation, focusing on collaborative angel investment, research, loan-investment linkages, thematic exchange activities, and related investment training. Ding Feng, vice president of Hangzhou Bank, and Chen Lan, general manager of the Technology and Cultural Finance Division, attended as special guests, introducing the bank’s service support plan for members. The members expressed approval and anticipation for Hangzhou Bank’s proposed cooperation in financing and loan-investment linkages.


联席会秘书长:倪正东 联席会荣誉秘书长:贾红波 成员名单(46人) 徐小平,真格基金创始人(天使投资专业委员会委员) 雷军,顺为资本创始人/董事长(天使投资专业委员会委员) 蔡文胜,隆领投资股份有限公司董事长(天使投资专业委员会委员) 盛希泰,洪泰基金创始人(天使投资专业委员会委员) 陈科屹,险峰长青创业投资创始合伙人(天使投资专业委员会委员) 倪正东,清科集团董事长(天使投资专业委员会委员) 牛文文,创业黑马(北京)科技股份有限公司董事长(天使投资专业委员会委员) 王刚,滴滴打车天使投资人及董事会成员(天使投资专业委员会委员) 麦刚,创业工场创始人(天使投资专业委员会委员) 曾李青,深圳市德迅投资有限公司董事长(天使投资专业委员会委员) 李开复,创新工场董事长 王利杰 Leo Wang,PreAngel Fund 创始合伙人 王啸,九合创投创始合伙人 方爱之,真格CEO兼合伙人 甘世雄,盛山资产管理(上海)有限公司创始合伙人 朱波,创新谷/追梦者基金创始人 刘二海,愉悦资本创始及执行合伙人 刘晓松,青松基金创始合伙人 羊东,赛富资深合伙人 江南春,分众传媒控股有限公司首席执行官 李竹,英诺天使基金创始合伙人 李治国,阿米巴资本创始合伙人 杨宁,乐搏资本创始合伙人 杨向阳,源政投资创始人。 杨浩涌,山行资本合伙人 吴世春,梅花天使创投创始合伙人 吴宵光,微光创投创始合伙人 吴彬,杭州道生投资/珠海同道齐创/浙江丝里伯睡眠科技股份有限公司董事长 何伯权,今日投资董事长 汪东风,隆领投资创始合伙人 汪华,创新工场创始人、管理合伙人 张敏,合力投资管理合伙人 张颖 David,经纬中国创始管理合伙人 陆刚,联想之星合伙人 林嘉喜,南京国金投资顾问公司合伙人 周鸿祎,360公司CEO董事长 庞小伟,杭州天使湾投资管理股份有限公司创始合伙人 郑刚,紫辉创投创始人,此前为优势资本合伙人。 姚劲波,58同城CEO 徐晨,戈壁创投管理合伙人 黄明明,明势资本合伙人 曹国熊,普华投资创始人 龚虹嘉,深圳嘉道功程股权投资基金(有限合伙)执行事务合伙人代表 蒋涛,极客帮创投创始合伙人 童玮亮,梧桐树资本创始合伙人 戴志康,伙伴创投创始人


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